I'm Assistant Professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where I focus on healthcare and service robotics, and Associate Researcher at the Rolls-Royce UTC, University of Nottingham, where I work on inspection and maintenance in aerospace and nuclear.
My research focuses on novel robot designs, developing enabling technologies for challenging tasks. My interests include design optimisation, continuum robots and parallel robots.
Contact me at if you want to discuss collaborations, research, or other opportunities!
I am available for supervising BSc and MSc thesis projects at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, which can be carried out internationally as part of the Erasmus+ programme or in collaboration with industry. Possible thesis topics include (but are not limited to) robotics for industrial and medical applications, robot modeling and simulation, and mechanism design and optimization.
I also welcome queries from prospective PhD students and postdoctoral candidates, and I'm happy to support applications for PhD and Postdoctoral Fellowships, such as MSCA. Please write to me at if you are interested in working with me, including a short bio with relevant skills, previous projects, background and interests.
Robot mechanics (ROM), MSc in Mechatronics: This course explains how to model, analyze, and design robots. The mechanical performance of robotic systems is evaluated with both analytical and numerical tools. Students also gain practical experience by designing and simulating a robot for a real-world manipulation task.
Meccanica applicata alle macchine (MAM), BSc in Energy Engineering: In this course, I teach the fundamentals of mechanisms and machine science. At the end of the course, students can identify, model, analyze and design multi-body mechanisms and transmission components such as gears and belts.